Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Glass Doorknob

One of the things I miss most about the old homes we used to own are the lovely details, like ornate moldings and glass doorknobs.  (Things I do not miss include $550 heating bills, drafty old windows, and leaky roofs).  I came across this lovely knob in my travels.  I'm seriously debating whether or not I should sell it or start trying to accumulate enough for all the doors in our future home.  Decisions, decisions.

I'm also deeply in love with the rose motifs on the vintage music book in the photos.  The lines are somewhat similar to how the glass is cut.  I think it works together nicely in an art nouveau kind of way.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Through the Viewfinder

You could say it was love at first sight.  Ever since I first discovered through the viewfinder photography, I have been enthralled with its ghostly charm.  Last summer I was lucky enough to acquire a vintage Argus 75 camera.  It has a beautiful stereoscopic style - think of the View Master.  I still need some practice taking through the viewfinder photos, but I did get some pretty nice ones over the last few days that I'd like to share.

This photo shows the window of the camera.  It can be difficult to get the camera you're shooting with lined up so that the image is a nice clean square.  I wore out my battery twice practicing before I could do it with any consistency.

This is a shot of my husband's wonderful vintage tin car.  I love, love, love this little toy.

A couple of cheesy vintage ornaments are much improved when photographed this way.

This shot reminds me of The Airborne Toxic Event album cover.

This is one self-portrait I can live with.  You can see that the camera wasn't perfectly lined up by the blue on the left hand side of the frame.

I hope you enjoyed this little peek at my photos!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Vintage Goodness... Mary Maxim Sweaters

Anyone who has ever discussed knitting with me knows that I do not knit sweaters.  I thrive on the completionist high I get from finishing a project, and I refuse to tackle anything that will take me longer than a week or two.  However, if you've ever gone thrifting with me, you know that I obsessively buy  vintage knitting patterns, no matter what type of garment they are for.  While I was going through my vintage knitting pattern collection on Friday, I came across three graph knitting patterns for hunting/fishing themed sweater jackets.

I have a soft spot for the "Grizzly" pattern because the model looks a lot like my dad did in the mid-sixties.  His nickname back then was "Clark" for Clark Gable, something he enjoyed talking about well into his eighties.

This one is interesting.  I like the graphics on the pattern leaflet better than the actual sweater, though.

Here is the pattern for the sweater in the opening photo of this post.  It's called "Angler's Pride", and is apparently still quite sought after.  I really like the way it looks made up.  The little bubbles put it over the top.

Here is a shot of the graph pattern itself.  I think this is a really effective way to do patterns with lots of colour work.

If anyone has photos of these sweaters made up (especially the Grizzly pattern), please give me a shout.  I'd love to see them!